
First Weeks in Villanueva – Libby

I now have been in Villanueva de Córdoba for almost two weeks. I have met most of the students. We practiced the students’ topics and interactive speaking tasks. I really enjoyed meeting the students and getting to know them. Their topics helped me learn about their interests and their lives, which was very interesting and fun to learn. Last weekend, was the Féria chica. I had lechón for the first time, which was delicious. I also had flamenquín and pizza at mycafe, which were also delicious. The caseta was fun and there were a lot of people there. I knew some of the Spanish music, but not all of it. I had dinner with my host family one night and helped my host sister, Luna take her niece and nephew on the bumper car and carousel rides. I also went to Calerito 2.0 that has a different kind of flamenquín, that was very good with lemon.

I am starting to feel more comfortable with my host family. I went with my host sister, Luna to the animal shelter that she volunteers at. I really liked it! The dogs were so cute and happy to see us. There were dogs of many sizes. I have now met four out of five of my host parents’ children.

Monday was the romería and I walked with Luna and her friends from Villanueva to the Virgen de Luna sanctuary. It was a fun walk, but a bit tiring because it was hot outside. We saw the Virgen de Luna in the church and ate some food at the stalls by the sanctuary. It reminded me of processions during Semana Santa, but it was different because there were tractors pulling carts of people yelling and having fun and there were lots of people on horses.