
TV! Holidays! Food! The best things in life. – Jill

Coming from the States, I have been surprised by the number of American movies and shows translated into Spanish. Back at home we don’t really have foreign entertainment. For example, I would have to go to a local university’s “art-house” cinema in order to watch a non-American film. Here I watch my favourite American shows but the characters speak Spanish! For example, I watch the Simpsons at lunch and it is interesting to compare the voices of characters. Marge is quite similar, as is Bart, but Homer and Apu sound very different! Aside from dubbed American entertainment, I also notice Spanish programs that are like ones at home. For example, we have a show called survivor that is like Sobrevivientes. The show Mujeres y Hombres is like our “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette” shows. Now I wonder if our American TV shows are original ideas, or if they are reproductions of other country’s successful TV shows!

A photo of the Bachelorette and more information on the show: http://abc.go.com/shows/the-bachelorette:


I went to the procession parade a few days to celebrate San Miguel and I thought back to my own home town. On the last day of October, known as HALLOWEEN (!), the local elementary school students dress up in their costumes and walk around the town. The townspeople watch them and listen to the small student band that plays music. When I was small, I felt so proud to be a part of the parade and my family would take pictures of me. During Villanueva’s procession a few days ago I really enjoyed looking at the beautiful dresses and suits.

This is not a photo of my school’s parade, but these students follow the same tradition:


Also one last thing:

If I had to pick my favorite American meal, it would be our breakfast. While it is not exactly healthy, a “lumberjack breakfast” of pancakes or waffles, sausages, bacon, strawberries, bananas, scrambled eggs with cheese, orange or apple juice, and hashbrowns (cubed and fried potatoes) is the most luxurious way to start your Saturday. My family will all come together in the morning and prepare the meal together before we start our weekend festivities. I want you all to enjoy a bit of this magical experience, so here I’m including a recipe for American pancakes.


We put “maple syrup” on them traditionally, but you can also put a spoonful of jam/ jelly/ marmalade on them to make them extra special.