
Another Week in Villanueva – Kaelan

Hi everyone,

My last week in Villanueva has been a lot of fun! Apart from learning more about the area and eating lots of food from Andalucía, I’ve also been doing some exploring around Spain! On Thursday, I cooked a traditional American meal for my host family being composed of fried chicken and mashed potatoes.

On Friday, I went to Madrid with a friend who was visiting. It was an incredible amount of fun! We started off by getting food near Atocha, then went to la Plaza España and la Puerta del Sol to do some shopping! We spent a lot of time on la Calle Mayor, and I ended up buying way too many clothes. We also took to the opportunity to eat Japanese food, which I haven’t had since I left home! We were eating when I realized that I wanted to change my shirt, so I actually changed in the bathroom! It was funny.

On Saturday I went out with some friends in Villanueva to get food and explore some of the nightlife. We went out for drinks and ate tons of tapas. We went to at least 5 different restaurants! As we were eating I got to know another Irish person in Villanueva, which was nice because I got to feel a little at home.

Stay tuned for updates next week!